Tuesday 13 August 2013

Le Tour De Europe

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So I just picked up my tickets for the Europe trip I've been organising for the last 6 months or so!

Look at ALL the things!

I have to say it's all feeling a bit more real now I'm holding the tangible evidence in my hands. Now that the countdown is on I'm more than likely going to set these aside thinking I have all the time in the world, then BAM! It's the night before and clothes and bottles are frantically being thrown into bags in an attempt to put together everything I need. Sleep will not happen, instead I will fall asleep on the floor with my head on the bed that is heaped with gear.

Hopefully not.
I guess I'd better explain exactly who, what, when, where and how this trip is going about eh?

My family is Polish so I like to visit the homeland every couple of years. I like to visit my family while I still can and as they are usually all very busy or spread out across the continent I figured I may as well go the whole hog and make a tour out of it. The BF will be tagging along as he's never really been overseas properly (He's currently pooing himself with nervousness) and two of our very recently, as in just this Wednesday, engaged friends are coming along for the ride too.
So all in all it's going to be a fun time. Here's hoping haha.

What do you mean my map isn't politically correct?!

So In 2 weeks time we fly out of Brisbane, have a stopover in Singapore and continue on to Ol' Paris.
We're arriving ahead of time to meet up with my cousin who is currently living and studying in Paris (So Jelly!) for a locals tour of the sites and sounds and hopefully tastes and smells of the place.
Then we're heading off on our Topdeck Tour of Europe.

So much chocolate and cheese to be had.

We chose a 20 day tour the European Getaway. Look at all the amazing places in goes to! There were a number or reasons we chose this particular tour although we could have just as easily chosen so many of the others.
Our tour ends in London and after a nights rest we're splitting up groups and the lovers are heading off on their own adventure while we jet on over to Poland for "Meet the Family" and "Tour Recovery" week. Unfortunately BF has to fly back early for work but I'll be spending another 2 weeks in the homeland to have family talk my ears off, fill me to capacity with food and then walk it all off with the copious amount of shopping I'll get to do!Finally I get back on the tin can to be propelled through Bangkok on the way back to Brisbane.

Well that's basically it. This is probably as condensed an itinerary as I can give right now.
More blog posts to follow featuring the Tour itself and why we chose it and some beauty updates.

And just because I haven't featured anything of myself in here yet. Here's a selfie for the road.

Nailed that rolled fringe!

Thanks for sticking by.

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