Tuesday 27 August 2013

So It Begins

WARNING:  Boring blog post. No pictures.

So I'm perfectly aware that this post is very late. I am actually writing this in Singapore while waiting for our next flight. I do have an excuse for why I haven't been posting anything lately. I spent most of the days leading up super busy with work and final organisational things like our money and whatnot. Most annoyingly though I managed to catch the flu that has been going around town for the last 3 weeks. All this time not being sick at all and then Bam! the day before we leave I wake up with the worlds worst body aches and chest pains. So don't expect many photos of me for a while. I'm looking particularly terrible.

Ok so here's how it all went down.
Most of the departure date was spent packing because we somehow managed to procrastinate enough to leave it that late. I say packing but what I really mean is me laying on the bed with clothes and misc items strewn all over the place and my poor bf being dictated to as to what goes where. It worked in the end... Some what.
We met up with our travel buddies at the local airport along with all our families and waited for the flight. By this stage I was already to bail on everything. Fever and flying don't go hand in hand very well.

Somehow I survived the first flight to Brisbane and we all made our way to the international airport for more waiting. (soon realised waiting was going to be a common theme)

So a few hours later we were flying again from Brisbane to Singapore and was super keen to get some sleep. Yeah right. I have to say it still wasn't the worst flight I've ever taken. We flew with Singapore Airline and the service was great. Good food, lots of drinks as often as you wanted and a ridiculous selection of entertainment options. My favourite things was that you could take out entertainment remote and the back was a controller for playing video games! [Nerd] Of course I didn't take photos of any of these things because firstly, it was a night flight with the lights out, secondly I was too busy trying to sleep haha.

Well that was day 1 of many. Woo! Pretty exciting right? I've got to say that I would have been much more enthusiastic if I wasn't suffering extreme hot and cold waves from fever. Something I am much more excited about is writing about my time in Singapore. I haven't left yet so it would be a shame you you didn't get the full experience with me eh.

I assure you my future posts will be more exciting, possibly including pictures and things.

1 comment:

  1. UG What a terrible time to get sick! It's the start of an amazing adventure though, can't wait to read more! Feel better poppet :) Xoxo

    Kate Xx
