Sunday 11 August 2013

Procrastination thy name is Planning

Okay, Okay.
So I told myself I would do this blog thing properly. Yet here we are a good 6 months or so after my last post. I would like to play the "too busy and hectic work schedule" card. Not long after my last post pretty much ALL the members of staff at my work quit... Including the manager. So it was up to me and another lady to run the entire store. Needless to say I had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it in. And that was my last 6 months. Now we have all new staff and I have the exact opposite problem. I am working as minimal as possible because I was stood down to a casual team member so I could GO TO EUROPE!

Normally I would be angry that I had to lose my management position in order to visit my family. I've now come to the conclusion that I don't care about the store because if they cared enough about me they would have allowed me to keep my position. They were well aware of my trip prior to hiring me but when I said my 5-6 week holiday may have turned into a 7 week tour they didn't seem to like that much.

Anyway, I digress, this will not be a blog about my whinging about work. For the most part this blog will now be about my trip. What I see, do, eat and most importantly buy. $$$$$

Most of the necessary things have been finalised: Tickets, tours, accommodation etc. But of course the most important things still have me pulling my hair out. So for the next couple of posts I will inevitably be talking about my on tour wardrobe and beauty products. Still so many things to organise!!

The heat is on though. It's exactly 2 weeks until D-Day (departure day that is) so I have to make sure I have ticked all the boxes and still left enough space in my bag for the inevitable hoards of gear coming back with me. 

Stay tuned for details, more planning and learning from my mistakes. And photos. Lots and lots of photos.

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